Trying to make money online might seem like a very easy task if you listen to all of the success stories that are swarming the internet. Many of them claim that you can make a ridiculous amount of money with just minimal effort. Here is one rule for the internet, if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.
One of the popular scams advertises an easy google biz kit. First thing that people don't realize is that these organizations are in no way associated with google. These websites are usually very colorful and easy to look at. They usually have a lot of success stories on them and they also seem to have A LOT of information on just one page. It's like trying to read a freakin novel in one night. They do this on purpose so that you will skip over some important information that you need to know.
Now, these offers almost always say that they are free. All you have to do is pay the shipping which is usually about 3 or 4 bucks. Sounds like a great deal doesn't it? Well, now they have your credit card information and they won't stop at just that 3 bucks for shipping. What they fail to mention is that if you don't cancel your subscription within 7 days (yes you now have a subscription) then you will be charged a fee of around $80. Oh, and this will be a monthly payment until you cancel. They will claim that you just did not read the fine print on the page when you call them to get your money back. This fine print that they talk about is usually hidden in some way. Sometimes they will make the print so small that you could never have seen it if you were looking for it. Other times they will say that they are going to charge you $80 in the middle of their long novel. But they will make it's print smaller and they will spell out the $80 dollars so you will not recognize it (eighty dollars). I have also seen them use a ghost sceem where you can not see their policy link unless you happen to scroll over it.
Not only will you be charged the money for that company, but the google biz kit people will sign you up automatically for other programs that will charge you monthly. It is very difficult to cancel all of these charges to your account. So if you happen to fall into this trap as I did, my advise is to just go ahead and cancel your credit or debit card, and dispute it through your bank. You will never get anything out of the google biz kit company so don't even waste your time. So just be careful when you are searching for money programs on the internet. Always be skeptical about everything you read. Otherwise you might fall into the same trap that many other hardworking Americans have. Hope this random blog will help someone out there recognize the next internet scam they come across.
Friday, July 24, 2009
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