Friday, July 24, 2009

Making money online

Trying to make money online might seem like a very easy task if you listen to all of the success stories that are swarming the internet. Many of them claim that you can make a ridiculous amount of money with just minimal effort. Here is one rule for the internet, if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.
One of the popular scams advertises an easy google biz kit. First thing that people don't realize is that these organizations are in no way associated with google. These websites are usually very colorful and easy to look at. They usually have a lot of success stories on them and they also seem to have A LOT of information on just one page. It's like trying to read a freakin novel in one night. They do this on purpose so that you will skip over some important information that you need to know.
Now, these offers almost always say that they are free. All you have to do is pay the shipping which is usually about 3 or 4 bucks. Sounds like a great deal doesn't it? Well, now they have your credit card information and they won't stop at just that 3 bucks for shipping. What they fail to mention is that if you don't cancel your subscription within 7 days (yes you now have a subscription) then you will be charged a fee of around $80. Oh, and this will be a monthly payment until you cancel. They will claim that you just did not read the fine print on the page when you call them to get your money back. This fine print that they talk about is usually hidden in some way. Sometimes they will make the print so small that you could never have seen it if you were looking for it. Other times they will say that they are going to charge you $80 in the middle of their long novel. But they will make it's print smaller and they will spell out the $80 dollars so you will not recognize it (eighty dollars). I have also seen them use a ghost sceem where you can not see their policy link unless you happen to scroll over it.
Not only will you be charged the money for that company, but the google biz kit people will sign you up automatically for other programs that will charge you monthly. It is very difficult to cancel all of these charges to your account. So if you happen to fall into this trap as I did, my advise is to just go ahead and cancel your credit or debit card, and dispute it through your bank. You will never get anything out of the google biz kit company so don't even waste your time. So just be careful when you are searching for money programs on the internet. Always be skeptical about everything you read. Otherwise you might fall into the same trap that many other hardworking Americans have. Hope this random blog will help someone out there recognize the next internet scam they come across.

Health Care or Hell Care?

I don’t claim to be an expert in any political arena. Like most people, I proudly wave the flag of the ‘Good ole U.S.A.’, but I have more knowledge of history than the current day political shuffle. These past few months and years have been different, however, causing many people like me to get informed and see how the wind is blowing.
When the politicians are proclaiming in their infinite wisdom that they have all the answers with a ‘pie in the sky’ health care plan for everyone in the U.S., at best, I am skeptical. President Obama and Hillary Clinton both ran on this platform and it sounded so good during the campaign, but after 7 months of red tape and Washington bureaucracy, it looks like it amounts to us being given 2 pain killers and a smile. Its unclear, as of right now, if that will include a visit with the doctor, a nurse, or the local councilman.
To do some research on this subject, I looked at other countries who had tried ‘socialized’ medicine and what the results were for those places. You understand, no country has ever had our level of health care in the U.S., so there are no examples to follow on that front. I looked at Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and England for help in what America’s health program will look like in ten years. The answers I received were scary and should be to you too.
In a nutshell, I saw rationing of health care at a large scale. There were still people ‘left out’ of the system, meaning the healthier, wealthier, and wiser still got the best health care. The quality of care went way down, because doctors will not prosper in that system like they do here. It will go from being an honored profession to a poison profession. Finally, it will choose death over life, everytime. That is simple, because a state run health plan HAS to do that, to save money. The bottom line is all that matters.
When you are looking at these plans Washington is throwing out there, my advice is to think about things with your brain, instead of your emotions. Experience shows that things can’t always be as good as it seems. Do things need to be tweaked or changed about our health care system? Yes. Do people get left out of the system? Probably(But not 47 million people). Does this warrant a total overhaul of the system during a time of economic recession? I’m thinking no.
Save your emails calling me a republican or a conservative wackjob. I vote for both parties and have always been open minded in every case. I wrote this to give my unbiased opinion about it, and I want to hear what other people think in the real world. I know what D.C. thinks, let us decide on real reform.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bass Fishing (Being Patient)

Sometimes I believe that this whole world is geared toward having everything that we want immediately. I am the same way. I see something interesting online, then I want it now, not later, now. Fishing seems to be the same way. We all go out fishing wanting to catch a fish immediately. However, many times this will not be the case. Especially for the weekend angler. Fishing on the weekends already puts you at a disadvantage because of all the other fishermen. But then to add to your disadvantage, you go out trying to fish as fast as possible so you can hurry up and catch a fish. Or maybe you try to beat everybody to that great fishing whole. There's nothing wrong with this, but I think sometimes this can hurt our chances of catching fish.Sometimes we should just slow down. I am a firm believer that there are more bass around any fishing location than we will ever know. I just think that they have to be tricked into biting sometimes. Other times they might just kill any lure you throw at them. More often than not, I think that we just overlook bass because they do not bite with our first cast. I have countless stories of when I have casted at one place for up to an hour or more and didn't catch anything. I'm talking about just one little spot that is probably 20 feet wide. But I knew that fish should be there, so I just stayed. And then I was finally rewarded with a 5 lb bass. That has happened so many times I couldn't tell you all of them. I would challenge you that next time you go fishing and you are in a location that you know should have some fish, just try to slow down a little. Try casting at the same location for a while. Just put that trolling motor on low so you will not be tempted to go anywhere and sit. You might just be surprised at what will happen. Hope you enjoyed this not so random blog.


I have never had a coconut, but I know I do not like coconut cake. So i guess i sort of have had a coconut. I have had a slushy cup put inside of a coconut head before. That was probably one of the best slushes I have ever had. Probably because it was 90+ degrees outside. If you ever go to a concert and they have one of those stands selling coconut head slushes, get one for once. Because they are really good. And this has been one of my most random blogs. Hope you did not enjoy it.

Why do you get Migraines?

This blog is for all of you migraine sufferers out there. Hopefully it will help you discover what is causing your particular migraines.
When I was in about 7th or 8th grade, I started getting a lot of migraines. I couldn't do anything when I got these. Usually it would just hurt on one side of my head really bad. Sometimes I would throw up during these because it hurt so bad. As the problems persisted, my parents took me to a doctor to see what was wrong. First thing that they thought was wrong was my allergies. So they put me on some allergy medicine and sent me on my way. Well of course, the headaches continued, so we made our way back to the doctor's office. This time I found myself taking a bunch of test to try to find out what was wrong with my head. Safe to say that all of them turned up negative. So the doctor finally told me to start watching what I eat. Whenever I got a migraine, I would right down what I ate or drank in the past few hours. Come to find out that I was allergic to certain foods. Cheddar cheese was the main culprit (mainly because of my love for macoroni and cheese). The weird thing is that I can eat white cheese. But that cheddar puts me on my knees. The longer that I have kept up with what I eat when I get migraines, the more foods I find that I'm allergic to. Here are just a few that I have found: cheddar cheese, sweet tea, seasoning on fries, spaghetti sauce, milk, onion rings, and a few other things.
So if you are like me and get migraines a lot but can't figure out what is causing them, try watching what you eat. It might just keep you from a lot of miserable nights with all the lights turned off. This has been another random blog that will hopefully help some of you migraine sufferers out there.

Understanding Bass Sense of Taste and Smell

Sometimes I believe that this whole world is geared toward having everything that we want immediately. I am the same way. I see something interesting online, then I want it now, not later, now. Fishing seems to be the same way. We all go out fishing wanting to catch a fish immediately. However, many times this will not be the case. Especially for the weekend angler. Fishing on the weekends already puts you at a disadvantage because of all the other fishermen. But then to add to your disadvantage, you go out trying to fish as fast as possible so you can hurry up and catch a fish. Or maybe you try to beat everybody to that great fishing whole. There's nothing wrong with this, but I think sometimes this can hurt our chances of catching fish.Sometimes we should just slow down. I am a firm believer that there are more bass around any fishing location than we will ever know. I just think that they have to be tricked into biting sometimes. Other times they might just kill any lure you throw at them. More often than not, I think that we just overlook bass because they do not bite with our first cast. I have countless stories of when I have casted at one place for up to an hour or more and didn't catch anything. I'm talking about just one little spot that is probably 20 feet wide. But I knew that fish should be there, so I just stayed. And then I was finally rewarded with a 5 lb bass. That has happened so many times I couldn't tell you all of them. I would challenge you that next time you go fishing and you are in a location that you know should have some fish, just try to slow down a little. Try casting at the same location for a while. Just put that trolling motor on low so you will not be tempted to go anywhere and sit. You might just be surprised at what will happen.

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is not caused by fast food restaurants serving their greasy hamburgers. It is not caused by the lunchrooms in schools not serving good meals. However, I do believe they should do this. Childhood obesity starts at home. The parents are responsible for feeding the children. They are responsible for what goes in that childs mouth. They can make their children go outside and play instead of playing video games all day. They have the power to do all of these things. A parent has to be blind not to see that their child is overweight. Yes, I do believe that the schools should be responsible in making kids take physical education classes. But the eating habits start at home. This has been just another random blog.

Unwritten Fishing Rules

OK, I have to vent a little bit today so I hope you can bare with me. I just need to discuss a few things that are really bothering me. First, when a boat is trolling up the side of a bank fishing, you are not supposed to go cut them off and start fishing directly in front of them. I mean come on now, have a little respect! And if you are wondering, yes, this did happen to me today. I was good though, I did not say anything. I have before, but I did not this time.
Second thing that really bothers me has nothing to do with the first. I have just been seeing a lot of people on facebook doing this and it really bothers me. When you catch a fish, if it's not big enough for ya, don't stretch your arm out as close to the camera as you can to make it look bigger. If it's big enough to take a picture, then you shouldn't have to do that. Drives me up a freakin wall people doing this trying to make themselves look good. I mean just have a little since of pride. Wow, this is the harshest blog I've ever wrote, but I just had to get a few things off my chest. And this has been another random blog.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Try something Different in Bass Fishing

Firstly, I am a hardcore fisherman. So in my blog I will occasionally write a little bit about fishing tips and strategies. So I hope you enjoy another random blog about bass fishing.
Trying to do something different on the water is easier said than done. Most decent bass fishermen know the advantages of trying something different from the rest. But just knowing to do something different and then actually doing it are two different things.A lot of times we consider doing "something different from the rest" as something completely opposite, when in fact, if might just be we need to focus on the little things. For example, maybe you are fishing some shallow grass beds on a really calm day. Maybe you've caught a few good one's, but the bite has slowed down considerably. Instead of switching lures or locations, try cranking the motor and go out in the middle of the water for a few laps around to stir up the grass. A lot of times this will get the bass and especially the bait fish moving in the water. You might not believe me, but I've done this countless times and caught a few more good fish that would not bite until I stirred them up a little. Bass are always looking for a chance to catch an easy meal. When bait fish are moved from there safety place and out into the open, the bass will in turn pounce on the chance for that easy treat.This example can be true in many different scenarios. Many people think that it is against all fishing rules to drive over your fishing location. While this may be true for some bodies of water, it might not affect another at all. Especially when it is a highly pressured lake. In these types of water, bass are used to boats roaring past them and it does not bother them as much. These less finicky bass may be more susceptible to hearing a loud, clanky trolling motor. This would then make the bass more finicky.The main thing is to not always take absolutes(things that we consider to always be true in fishing) as the only way to look at a problem. We should always question what is going on in our fishing environments whether that means wind, temperature, water clarity, lure choice, seasonal patterns. Just because it is the middle of the summer, don't assume that all the bass will be in 10 plus feet of water. Just because there are jet skis zooming all around your location, don't just pack up and leave. This could be a blessing in disguise. Finally, never take anything for granted, and you will hopefully have much more success in the future.

My Xbox 360 finally got RROD

Well, after almost 2 years of using my xbox constantly, it finally took it's last breath. It has been on the brink of dying for over a year now. There was always popping noises and sometimes the screen would freeze up. I have used it a little bit while it had the Red Ring of Death by wrapping a blanket around it for about 20 minutes, then turning the xbox off and removing the blanket, and finally turing it back on. This worked for a while, but it just seemed to get worse and worse. So I finally decided to go ahead and ship it in. I don't know what I'll do without Halo for however long it takes to get it fixed. Thankfully, there is a 3 year warranty on the RROD and on the E74 error. I am surprised at how many people do not know this. But my baby is gone in the UPS truck now. I almost cried ;( but until the next random blog, take care.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Surveys for Money

Recently I wanted to find some sites that I could make money online with. I signed up for about 20 different survey companies just to see which ones that I could actually make money online with. Here are a few that stood out from the rest.

Before I get into it all, I am not in any way associated with these sites. I don't even know anything about them other than what I have done by taking the surveys and making some money online. Now, there are plenty of things that make surveyhead good. First, the overall ease of use on the site. You sign on and it takes you directly to the page of available surveys for you. Second, they have plenty of ways for you to cash out. You can get your money online paid through paypal, get a gift certificate, or donate your money to a charity. This site is not like many other ones out there that claim that you make money online taking surveys, when in fact you have to complete some sort of offer before you can ever make money. Those kinds of offers just lead to trouble. You sign up for an offer and then you forget to cancel it. Then they bill your credit card and it's just one big mess. But surveyhead is not like that. When you sign in you are taken directly to a page of available surveys. It also tells you how much you will get paid for taking that particular survey. I have already cashed out once from surveyhead and will be again soon. So you can definitely make money online with this company. You have to have at least $25 in your account before you can cash out. So if you are interested in taking surveys and getting paid for them, I would recommend surveyhead.

Opinion Outpost
They have a points based reward program where 10 points = $1. Not really sure why they do this but oh well. One good thing is they have a low cash out point at 50 points($5) . When you request your money you will recieve it anywhere from 4-8 weeks. I have gotten my check from them somewhere in the middle of this time frame.They have 9 personal profiles that you can complete that will help you get more surveys that you will qualify for. One thing that is great about this survey company is you can see all of the surveys that are open to you and how many points you will receive. If you don't qualify for a survey, you have the options of a small donation to charity, an instant win chance, or entry into their sweepstakes. Opinion outpost has been pretty with their screeners. They will usually tell me pretty fast if I qualify or not. Now I have not won in any of the sweepstakes so I can not say if it's possible right now. If anybody else out there has won let us know. But it is definitely possible to make money online with this company.

Greenfield online
I have read a lot of reviews on the internet about this site and there seems to be a lot of mixed emotions about making money online with them. I can say that this company does offer a lot of survey opportunities. Now qualifying for them can be another thing, but they do offer a lot via email. They pay you with cash and if you don't qualify for a survey then you are entered into a sweepstakes drawing. I decided to join this site because there are so many success stories out there of people making money online with them. I think that the main thing with them is that you just have to be patient, stick with them for a while, and figure out how their surveys work. If any of you have joined this site please let me know what you think of them.

Survey Savvy
This company is a little different from the other ones because of their referral program. They offer surveys to make money online, but they also give you the chance to get your family and friends to sign up with them through you. When you sign them up, you get incentives for more chances to make money online. The bad thing about this company is that they don't offer a lot of surveys. However, I have heard of people being successful with them but I would suggest that you take advantage of both the referral program and taking surveys to make the most money online that you can from this company.

iPod touch or iPhone with slow backup

I used to have an incredibly hard time getting my ipod touch to backup on my computer. I would hook it up to itunes and hit sync, then I would come back 2 hours later and it would not even be half way done. This was incredibly annoying. I was trying to update apps and put new music on, but it would never let me. I finally figured out that the problem was downloading apps over the wifi. There was some kind of problem that occurred when I would try to transfer the apps I purchase over wifi on my ipod touch. I ended up having to restore my ipod back to its original settings. Then I went through and put each app on one at a time. I would check mark one app, hit sync, then I would right click on the ipod in the left of the screen and hit back up. I continued to do this for all of my one hundred or so apps. As I put more and more apps on, it took a little longer for them to back up, but nowhere close to 3 or 4 hours. I was very happy with my backups now only lasting minutes compared to hours. Looking back on it now, I might could have done it without doing my apps one at a time. I think that I could have just checked them all, however, the backup for the very first time would have taken a long time. But I think that the first time would be the only time that the backup would take a long time. Now I never transfer any apps over to my computer from my ipod touch that I got via wifi. I believe that it is still ok to download apps over wifi, but just don't transfer them to your computer because it will mess up your backing up. So just don't transfer any apps to your computer from you ipod touch or iphone that you have downloaded via wifi. If you do this, then you will have no problem backing up your ipod or iphone

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Glow Keys is a great investment

Ok, here's the deal, I have a HP Pavilion dv5-1251nr Laptop. This is a great laptop which I would definitely recomend to everyone. However, the keyboard is a bronze color and the lettering is black. This makes it very hard to see. I could not see them at all at night, and sometimes I could not even see them in the day time. I guess HP forgot to try their laptop out in low light conditions before they released it. So I did some research to try to find me some glow in the dark stickers or something that would help me see my keyboard because it was really getting anoying. I finally stumbled upon and was really excited. They accepted paypal, which was really important to me for security reasons, so I decided to try them out. I ordered one set of stickers for 14.95 to go on my laptop and guess what...They sent me 2 sets! I received them 3 days after I ordered them which I was more than pleased with. I put them on immediately which took a while to get them perfectly straight because I'm a perfectionist. But let me tell ya, these things are great! They are not just glow in the dark stickers. Otherwise they would not glow for very long because glow in the dark stuff requires light to charge the glow back up. Myglowkeys uses the light from the computer to reflect off the lettering which ultimately lets you see. It's a lot like the reflective stuff on some running shoes and the reflective stuff on road signs. I no longer have to strain to see my laptop keyboard. They also look great in the daytime! I will try to put pictures up here of my keyboard. I don't have any before pictures becuase I was to excited to think about it. But I can show some after pictures. One final note. If your laptop from HP is still under warranty, they will replace the keyboard with a better colored one for free. I contacted them and they said that they could have it done at no charge to me within 7-9 business days. So if you have that option then you might want to take it. Otherwise myglowkeys is the way to go. And this is just another random blog.

Friday, July 10, 2009

iPod touch 3 with a camera?

Visit to read about the iPod touch 3 that is supposedly supposed to have a camera. I would right about it on here but at the bottom of their site it says not to post there stuff anywhere else. And I don't want to get in trouble so I am just posting the link. I am very excited about this random post on my random blog though.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tubing accident

Yesterday, I was pulling my girlfriend on a tube and I threw her off very hard. I didn't think that I was going to fast but I guess I was. But now her neck is hurting her really bad. She supposedly has whiplash, but I feel really bad now. Watch the video and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sewage holes

Ok, these sewage holes(Actually I like to call them Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Holes) are driving me crazy. I mean seriously, It's like they put them right in line with where your car tires are going to go. They put them over to the side of the road thinking that they are out of the way when, in fact, it's right in line with my tires. It makes sense to me to put them right in the middle of the lane. That way they will go in between my tires. Oh, but i'm not a civil engineer so what do I know because this is just another random blog.

A Deer or a What?

Ok, I was driving down the road with my girlfriend going about 25 mph. All of a sudden I see on the side of the road a set of eyes. So I slow down to about 10 mph and say to my girlfriend, "Look, a deer!". I see the tall, long legs of the deer that looked to be rather young, but not a newborn. The animal was probably 20 yards away from us. Right when we passed it, my girlfriend looked at me and says, "That wasn't a deer, that was a fox." I looked at her and just died laughing. I was like are you kidding me? I told her, if that was a fox, then there is something drastically wrong with its legs. Deep down I think that she knew she was wrong after we discussed it, but she never admitted it. Instead, she turned the story around on me and told me that I don't know what a deer looks like. Of course, she's a woman and she's blond lol. Oh well, I still love her and this is just another random blog.